We recently went to Kuala Lumpur for the first time for two shows at a new comedy club called the LOL LiveHouse.  We were the first improv group to perform in this club and we had a great time!  The venue, the staff, the food, the management, everyone were so nice and professional.  We cannot wait to perform there again soon, hopefully in the Fall of this year!  And we recommend all our comedy friends to visit KL and perform at this great new comedy club!  We even had a Yoshimoto comedian (Kinjo) open for us each night!  

After a few days in KL, we flew to nearby Singapore and returned to the UWCSEA campus for the third year in a row.  We gave a workshop to improv/theater students and performed alongside 4 student teams in their annual TheatreSports tournament.  It is great to see such young kids with improv skills that get better year after year.

While in Singapore, we also met with the Japanese Embassy/Japan Creative Centre and introduced ourselves to their office.  They were pleasantly surprised to learn about us and we might be returning to Singapore later this year to celebrate their "SJ50" (Singapore/Japan 50th Anniversary).

パイレーツは今回、初の公演場所となるクアラルンプールで去年11月の最終週にできたばかりという新しいライブ会場である「LOL LiveHouse」で2日間にわたりパフォーマンスをしてきました。オープンしてから今まではスタンダップコメディやバンドによるイベントを企画してる同会場ですが、今回初めて「即興」というジャンル、そして東京にいる私たちを加えていただきました。会場、スタッフ、料理、マネージング、皆さん全てが素晴らしくプロ意識が高かったことは今でも忘れません。またいつか、(たぶん今年の秋かなぁ)そこで観客を盛り上げるのを楽しみにしています!お笑いをやってるみなさん、そうでないみなさんもクアラルンプールに行った際には是非この「LOL LiveHouse」にお立ち寄りください!2日間にわたり私たちのオープニングを務めてくれたよしもと芸人のSDキンジョーさん、本当にありがとうございます!

