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20151129 - POTB 5th - 077_web.jpg

団体について / About Us

Tokyo's bilingual improv comedy group


団体について / About Us

Tokyo's bilingual improv comedy group


The Pirates of Tokyo Bay is an improvisational group performing in English and Japanese. Our shows are different every time we perform as we create and personalize each show based on audience suggestions. The Pirates are helping lead this movement through extensive work with clients like the US Embassy, ConnectUSA, Gengo, BizReach, the Japan Foundation and the Australian Society of Tokyo.

コメディライブ / Shows
笑いはここにあり。日本語&英語(バイリンガル)のライブは恵比寿のWhat The Dickensというパブで毎月開催。開場は19時00分、開演は19時30分からです。なお、笑いすぎておなかが痛くなっても当グループは一切責任を負いませんのでご了承ください。

This is where the funny is. The Pirates have a monthly bilingual (English and Japanese) show towards the end of every month in Ebisu at What The Dickens. Doors open at 7:00pm and the show starts at 7:30pm. Don't blame us if you laugh so hard you snot.


Besides regular performances, we also offer business workshops. The Pirates want to help train your staff in new and exciting ways. We are professionals who can enrich employees and increase synergy in your office. Our workshops emphasize building communication and entrepreneurial skills. Effective communication and effective risk-taking is how teams (and profits) go from good to great.


インスタグラムInstagram (@piratestokyo)

Interested in joining the Pirates? Check out our auditions!