Viewing entries tagged
year in review

2019 A Pirates Year in Review / POTB2019年を振り返って

2019 A Pirates Year in Review / POTB2019年を振り返って

We had a great year!

2019 is almost over and before we look forward to 2020, we want to look back on what a busy year it was for the Pirates. 2019 was our year to travel all over the world to bring our style of fun, energy and improvised comedy to fans new and old.

2019 by the numbers:
1802: Tickets sold to a Pirates event
15: Shows featuring Pirates (11 in Tokyo, 4 overseas)
4: Countries visited by Pirates (Japan, Singapore, Philippines, India)

We hope everyone has a great end of the year and is ready for an amazing 2020. We have some big things planned for 2020 and we hope you all will be there to cheer us on. We will be there to perform for you and make you laugh!





愛をこめて by パイレーツ

パイレーツ忘年会 🎉 From our family to yours, wishing you a happy end to 2019!

パイレーツ忘年会 🎉 From our family to yours, wishing you a happy end to 2019!


2017 A Pirates Year in Review / POTB2017年を振り返って

2017 in review.jpg

2017 is almost over and before we look forward to 2018, we want to look back on what a busy year it was for the Pirates. 2017 was our year to travel all over the world to bring our style of fun, energy and improvised comedy to fans new and old.

2017 by the numbers: 

  • 2513: Tickets sold to a Pirates event
  • 26: Shows featuring Pirates (11 in Tokyo, 15 overseas)
  • 6: Countries performed in by Pirates (Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, USA, Germany)
  • 1: New Pirate: Tomoyoshi Noguchi
  • 1: Android app released (to join our iOS app)

We hope everyone has a great end of the year and is ready for an amazing 2018. We have some big things planned for 2018 and we hope you all will be there to cheer us on. We will be there to perform for you and make you laugh!

♡ Pirates


  • チケット枚数売り上げ:計2513枚
  • 公演回数:計26(東京11回/海外25回)
  • 公演した国:計6か国(日本、シンガポール、フィリピン、マレーシア、アメリカ、ドイツ)
  • 新メンバー:1人(ノグチトモヨシ)
  • アプリリリース:計1個(アンドロイドとiOS用)


愛をこめて by パイレーツ
